Monday, January 14, 2013

Moon Over the Glade

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

I've had mixed success getting pictures of the moon, but I feel pretty good about this picture that I captured on a clear night from our yard in the Glade.


Ms. A said...

I haven't been trying as long as you, but I can certainly vouch for how hard it is, especially without a long, long lens.

Good job!!!

Jeevan said...

awesome shot george... well done

Jeevan said...

awesome shot george... well done

rainfield61 said...

You always capture some good pictures of moon.

I Am Woody said...

Wow! Fantastic shot!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'd call that success. Beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so where is the dish and the spoon and the cow? this is perfect for them

DeniseinVA said...

It's a lovely shot of the moon George.

Linda said...

Wonderful, George!

A Lady's Life said...

It is indeed a marvelous shot.
You must have taken it with a telescope lol It looks like you can almost touch it.:)

Linda P said...

Well done! My attempts at capturing the moon have been unsuccessful. We have been sky-watching via live television programmes and events in the last few days, but now it's very cloudy here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks wonderful.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful moon picture. I wanted to take a pic last night because I read about Mars just below the rising moon but alas we had a cloud cover. Funny about moon shots---sometimes good and sometimes you wonder what the camera is doing. Yours is good. MB

HappyK said...

That's a great moon picture!!! Well done.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This crescent is beautiful, George, and I can even see the craters.

Linda said...

It's nice! Did you use a tripod?

Leovi said...

Nice photo, delicious moon ...

troutbirder said...

Well done George. I've had zero luck with night pictures... especially fireworks.

Amelia said...

Hi George, amazing! You sure good at capture moon picture.

Have a great week ahead, regards.

Are We There Yet! said...

Oh my gosh!! What a great job you did. I think I need to learn how to work my camera.

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful capture. I have seen the moon looking like this but my camera would never handle it. Great shot.

Karen Xavier said...

Wow, how did you do that! It looks stunning... I have never been able to capture the moon through my lens...

Barb said...

I have a hard time with night shots - your sliver is nice and sharp. I don't like using the tripod, but with such low light, it's almost a must.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and stark against the blackness...the crescent contrasts wonderfully. Great capture...amazing.