Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Beautiful than Ever

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

Fall Creek Falls State Park here in Tennessee is a special place for Betsy and me.  And April 21 is a special day.  It was on April 21, 2001, on a date to Fall Creek Falls, that Betsy and I realized that we were falling in love.

We celebrate that wonderful day by going back to Fall Creek Falls every April 21.  We went back there Sunday and found more water flowing through the creeks and over the falls than we've seen before.  And I found that my Beautiful Bride is more beautiful than ever.


eileeninmd said...

Betsy is beautiful! Lovely shot!

Teamgsquare said...

Wonderful shot and lovely location .

Vineeta Yashsavi said...

Very eye catching...

Tanya Breese said...

awww so sweet and yes she is!

Brenda said...

George, what a wonderful post! I am so happy to see that lovely picture of Betsy on that very special day. It's great to be happy!
I haven't been by to see you or Betsy very much lately. I had stopped blogging for a while, but now I'm back. I hope that you both will visit. I'm not sure yet what I want to do with my blog, but right now I'll just blog so that I can keep in touch with everyone. I've miss you all.
Down Memory La La Lane

Indrani said...

That is such a wonderful way to celebrate! Great shot of Betsy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have two friends and their families that are spending next week at fall creek, camping out. i told them about your photos

rainfield61 said...

More beautiful than ever.

More handsome than ever.

Both of you.

LV said...

The good Lord knew he was making a perfect match with you two. He has showered you with many blessings and happiness. Wishing you both nothing but the best life has to offer.

Linda P said...

A beautiful photo of Betsy. May your life be overflowing with God's blessings. Glad your special day was enhanced by the sight of the abundant water in the creeks and over the falls.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great picture, George. And you are both so cool for remembering all these special days, too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful picture.It is so wonderful to see you and Betsy celebrating your love for each other.

Susannah said...

How sweet! George, you are a wonderful person. And you are right....your wife is "more beautiful than ever"!!! I am glad that you both are so very happy.


Small City Scenes said...

And that she is!! Happiness is contagious--right. May you have a zillion more days--months--years of happiness. MB

HappyK said...

I love how you call Betsy your beautiful bride. It makes me smile every time. : )

L. D. said...

It is a great memory to keep. The river is a wonderful looking one with great landscape around it.

Ms. A said...

Great shot and even greater reason to return.

A Lady's Life said...

Beautiful shot George. And how nice to go back to places which have special meaning for you.:)

Carletta said...

Happy 'Falling In Love' anniversary to you and Betsy! Sweet, sweet post George!

Unknown said...
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diane b said...

That is a lovely idea to return to the place where you declared your love for each other. You are a beautiful couple. That date is sad for me as it is the day my dad died way back in 1983 he was only 69. He had bone cancer.

Jeevan said...

Yes, I agree! She looks beautiful as well very young! Lovely photo.
My best wishes to your both :)

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Congratulations on the wonderful love and wondrous place religion of love.
GREGORE, I am pleased with your love.
Betsy and I send to you many greetings and kisses.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love success stories like this one, George. Congratulations!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i bet you can always make her smile. such a beauty. ( :

Betty Manousos said...

aw, how sweet!

betsy is so beautiful!!

Amelia said...

Hi George, Betsy look beautiful and lovely. You're so blessed to found your loved one. Best wished to both of you.

Craver Vii said...

It's a beautiful place, and you are a beautiful couple. You two go so well together. Your story is a blessing and and encouragement.

Linda said...

She looks great! And thanks for showing us another lovely place.

amanda said...

Not only is she lovely, she's very lucky to have you tell her so!
What a nice tradition.

Faye said...

Congratulations to both you and Betsy, George, on this important anniversary. I wish you many more years and miles together.

Anonymous said...

Preciosos sitio, con tu permiso me quedo para seguir tus publicaciones.
abrazos desde Uruguay!