(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)
I'm starting to get Spring Fever. We have several clumps of Pickwick Crocus in our long flower bed. This is one of those clumps; the picture was taken late last week.
This is an occasional blog containing pictures I have taken over the years.
Muito bonitas.
Um lindo fim de semana!
Brasil ...
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The intricacy of these blooms always amazes me.
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Spring is on the way...
Good luck with your spring fever. :)
Happy clicking.
Well, you are the one who told me the name of these crocus, I never knew. they are so sweet, there are several next door. Welcome back!!!
so happy for you that you have spring color after the snow
Get out there and enjoy it George!
Love the picture of the crocus.
love the lines and textures of the crocus. enjoy your spring fever.
love crocus. when I was a child we had so many in our home in Bulgaria. Beautiful shot, George. Have a wonderful weekend!
I only wish the crocus would last a little longer than a few days.
Very nice. I do love crocus although those early bloomers often get buried here in an April snowstorm.
Gosh they look very pretty
The colors are unbelievable the lines so clean. Doesn't nature know how to paint?
those are pretty. I love purple so i love them. can't wait for spring.
I had to enlarge this one and enjoy the beauty.All those intricate little lines make for a lovely flower
Lovely sight!
A beauty George.
I'm tired of snow
So I will focus
On your lovely
Pickwick Crocus :)
☼ Sunny
Yay! If your lawn will be filled with those flowers then it's like heaven.
Surrender to spring fever! These are beautiful flowers.
Wow George you already have that. I am waiting for them too they are such a lovely flowers, but I am also waiting for the snow to go away, lol. Hope all is well. Anna :)
Thanks for letting us know their name, now when mine bloom in the next day or two I can talk to them properly. hugs- teri
Delightful one!
Have a great weekend.
Yes it is starting to look a lot like Springtime :-)
George Spring has sprung!I'm sure you'll see many wildflowers in bloom on your hikes!Hiking in the desert..naturegirl
Thank you George for the beautiful crocuses and your thoughtful words in your comment.
Delicious flowers with sharp colors
As paper flowers. They are very beautiful.
I'm so excited to these these harbingers of spring!!
What a beautiful photo! Spring is slowly creeping towards Maine I think. We still have some snow on the ground but the mud is starting to take over!
First off George, what a lovely photo! I love the veins within the flowers.
Second, Happy Belated Birthday to you. I hope you enjoyed your trip to the falls.
Third, I want to thank you for being such a wonderful husband to my friend Betsy. She is a lovely person whom I have grown to think rather highly of--one of those friends who has settled into my life and I truly value her in my life. Therefore, it is with those thoughts that I thank you for loving her so intensely~
Levely... I love flowers of all colors and scents!
Thank you!
Hugs with love.
Sweet flowers, we just received another 2 foot of snow on Saturday so I won't be seeing many flowers for a while yet.
It's so nice to see these lovely crocuses, George. Spring has arrived...in Tennessee!
Glad you are back with your blog friends. Looking forward to seeing what exciting things you will share from your birthday trip.
They're beautiful, George, just a taste of what's to come. I'm looking forward to our first flowers of the year.
What a terrific shot...spring is almost here!
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