Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our Big Rose Bed

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

We have three rose beds in our yard, plus roses in containers. This picture -- which was taken a couple of years ago -- shows the largest and oldest rose bed. Our roses are putting on a pretty good display this year as well, but I just haven't gotten a picture of the entire bed.


Ruth Hiebert said...

If I ever had the chance to see these in person,I have to wonder just how many pictures i would take.It would be a lot.I love roses.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh....those are gorgeous George!!!!

KathyA said...

A show, indeed! If I lived in your neighborhood, I'd be camped out there with my chair (and umbrella) !

Small City Scenes said...

Very beautiful. So nice to have roses blooming now. MB

HappyK said...

That is so pretty with all the different colors.

Sey said...

Lovely pieces of roses!

Leovi said...

Delicious and beautiful color tones. Very beautiful rose bushes. Greetings.

A Lady's Life said...

What a beautiful array of colors.
Must be good to come home:)

imac said...

Roses grow 4 you George.

Anonymous said...

So very pretty and it must be so fragrant!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a lovely variety!! Hmmm...maybe life will start to be a bed of roses for ME again!

MadSnapper said...

i am here to see the roses, stop and smell them even. blogger is making me crazy today, and i gave up and stopped trying.

LV said...

If I ever have the opportunity to be near where you live, I am finding you. I would love meeting you both and seeing person all your flowers.

Fred Alton said...

I think roses are my favorite flower. Your rose bed shows that someone who knows their work is caring for it!

Janie said...

Your roses are amazing! I don't know how you find the time and energy to take care of them all so well.

Lynda said...

Betsy had some great pictures of the terraced bed and a good view of them in the pots. I am totally impressed at how much work you two must do to have such a beautiful blooming yard. It's obvious you love working on it.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Ruth, I would spend hours taking pictures of your roses. Wow!