Friday, April 27, 2012

Roaring Fork in the Smokies

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it. Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

Betsy and I paid a visit to the Smokies this past Monday. We decided to drive the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail since it has been several years since we've taken it. We made several stops (as usual) along the way, and I got an opportunity to experiment with my new variable neutral density filter. The picture above is one of my first attempts at photography with exposures lasting several seconds. I'll have to admit I rather like it.


Anonymous said...

What a spectacular shot, George. Hope you two enjoy the weekend.

rainfield61 said...

How can I say that I do not like it?

HappyK said...

That IS a great shot - smooth looking, like icing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think you should like it. This is stunning photography.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like what the long exposure did to the water. beautiful.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful shot!!

Betty Manousos said...

wow, what a peaceful shot!

Ms. A said...

Oh my gosh, George, I LOVE IT! WOW!

Lynda said...

I love the pic but even more, love the fact that you continue to learn new things with photography and have an interest in new knowledge.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just had to enlarge this one, George. It is amazing, the effect, one of your BEST shots!!

imac said...

George, this is a real beauty.

Kay said...

Beautiful photo George. I love the way you've softened it. It looks like there is a light under the water. Very cool.

Small City Scenes said...

It is a very smoooooth shot. I like the water texture.
Have a great week end. MB

L. D. said...

It is a wonderful water feature from nature.

Leovi said...

I like the texture with these beautiful streams in soft colors, very interesting.

Linda said...

Remarkable and stunning photo!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful image, George. Really nice!

SandyCarlson said...

Fabulous! I love this capture.

Hilda said...

I like it too—makes the base of the cascades look like mist!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

used to be crazy about water falls until I married my husband. He is a water engineer, but also scary cat.

Anonymous said...

This shot is fantastic! :)

Teamgsquare said...

Wow , what a capture . Just awesome .

forgetmenot said...

Very nice shot of a lovely scene. Looks like you took a nice walk in the park. Mickie ;)

Magia da Inês said...

°º✿ Olá, amigo!

Sempre que venho aqui encontro uma foto maravilhosa que me deixa admirada com o esplendor da natureza.

°º✿ Beijinhos.
º° ✿ ✿ Brasil

Faye said...

Admit I rather like it too, George. The quality of the water you've captured here is very different from other water photography--it has almost a satin sheen to it. Happy experimenting!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Beautiful silky waters !

troutbirder said...

Very nice. I love you nature pics in the Smokies... :)

Tiago Braga said...

WOW, nice effect, well done! great water effect

Scott Law said...

That is really a beauty George.

Sorry I haven't been by much lately. I've been away and had some computer issues, but I'm back and will try to visit much more often again.

Janie said...

It's a beautiful scene, and I really like the new special effect.

A Lady's Life said...

It turned out fabulous George!!!!
Well done.!!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

The area around there is so gorgeous. It's been a while since we drove along them.

Cheqna said...

Beautiful experiment, I like it too. Thanks for sharing it here George..its great to learn new things in photography. :-)

Jeevan said...

wow! that's beautiful and remarkable job George :)

A Colorful World said...

I do too! It has such a wonderful ethereal quality!

penny said...

I never tire of your stunning waterfall captures. This one is extra special.
Thanks for sharing, George.