(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)
This picture of the Clear Creek gorge was taken from an overlook in the Obed Wild and Scenic River National Park here on the Plateau in Tennessee. The park is in a remote area, but the scenery makes the trip to get there very worthwhile.
That's a lovely photo George!
Beautiful and lovely shot !!Great post!!
I like the way the creek appears in the picture. Lovely.
Its a stunning view!
It does make it worthwhile. Beautiful view from there.
this photo screams "remote" and "beautiful"
Wow, I don't ever remember seeing anything remotely like that in TN...of course I haven't been to that place so I haven't seen it...such a gorgeous view George!!!
I swear, you keep posting pictures like this... I am moving to Tennessee!
Can't wait to hear what you had planned for Betsy's birthday!
Have a fabulous day!
Beautiful. It looks so peaceful. Floating that river would be lots of fun.
The scenery sure is great, George! My kind of place, that's for sure.
Wow, look at all of those trees. What a beautiful view.
How close did you get to that water down there? Oh my, the dark blue is the stuff of dreams!
Another wonderful view for us to share George. I would love to visit.
Another wonderful view for us to share George. I would love to visit.
Another wonderful view for us to share George. I would love to visit.
Beautiful scenery on what must have been a wonderful day. That sky is gorgeous.
Definitely a breathtaking view from up on high.:)
Sure it is worthwhile journey. Beautiful scenery!
Awesome landscape.
A very beautiful scenic capture.
lovely and lush!
Great photo George! That type of rough terrain always look beautiful from a distance but not near as beautiful when your in it.
Thanks for sharing.
(lol) I had to do a double-take, because I thought it said, "Clear Creek George."
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