(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)
Betsy likes red roses -- and just about every other color of rose -- and we have several red ones. Alec's Red is one of the roses growing in a container along our driveway, and is a new rose for this year. Alec's Red has a slight fragrance, but a beautiful form.
In case you're interested (I was), Alec Cocker is the Scottish hybridizer who introduced this rose in 1970.
This is a spectacular red rose George and Betsy! It's always interesting to me how the rose got its name and when. Thanks for sharing.
This red rose represents our warmth lovely heart.
Hello George, the red rose is amazing, have you ever participated in competitions having the greatest variety of roses that you own?
Look, these are roses reward !!!!!!!!!!!!
wow, what a surprise, I had no idea Betsy likes roses. hardy ha ha on that one. this one is really really pretty
Beautiful Rose!
You seem to have a magic touch with roses, George. This one is beautiful.
WoW! Thanks for that history. :)
This is gorgeous George. You are the "Rose Man"!
You knew I would ask, George, didn't you? And I WOULD have! This one almost looks like velvet.
Betsy and I have more than one thing in common. The biggest is the love of roses. I love all colors, but this is a true beauty.
Red Roses are my wifes favorite. I can't go wrong when I give her red roses. :-)
I also love roses I am also interested in how the names came about so this is very interesting to know the roses' history.
Another exquisite rose!! Red and yellow roses are my faves.
Not only do you grow beautiful roses but you know their heritage, too!
That is so beautiful!! I always think red roses are my favorites but every time I see another color rose of yours I'm not so sure!
Wow...clicking on the picture sure makes it "pop." Your photography just knocks my socks off George. Red is my favorite color. Thanks for sharing.
That is a perfect shot of a beautiful rose. Just perfect. I always have trouble photographing red. It usually ends up too saturated and the details fade out. Your shot if fab!
A love rose... I love receiving flowers...
Wow, this rose doesn't look real to me, George! Such a beautiful color and shape!
Have a fabulous day!
A beautiful thing happened in 1970--and now.
I agree with you about its beautiful form!
love it! what else should I say. I love roses.
I'm hoping the cooler weather will bring the rose blooms I missed all summer.
That beautiful red rose full of passion and ardor, a symbol of love that binds the delicacy and strength.
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