Friday, February 19, 2010

Mountain Laurel

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

I feel the need to see some color other than white around the house. It will be a few months before this mountain laurel blooms along our deck, but I am looking forward to seeing it again.


HappyK said...

Nice to see a hope of spring!

rainfield61 said...

By the way, I have not seen much white in your blog.

I must have over spilt too much colours from my place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I got frost bite looking at your header. ha ha on that one. there is nothing like a mountain that is covered in mountain laurel. when we lived in KY, Pine mountain in the spring was a solid mass of mountain laurel. people drove from miles around to look at it and we lived at the base of the mountain, it was our back yard view. thanks for the memories

Busy Bee Suz said...

So pretty. I love all the variations of pink!

Loran said...

The mountain laurel is so pretty. I am needing to see color too. The Little River Falls picture from yesterday is awesome when enlarged.

penny said...

It is gorgeous, George. It must be delightful to see around your house in the springtime.
Wild mountain laurel is always a beautiful surprise while roaming through the woods.
Thanks for sharing the beauty:)

Reader Wil said...

Be patient and wait! Soon enough you'll see those beautiful cheerful flowers!
Thanks for your visit!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh, that's so pretty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

AWESOME! I've never seen this before! Is it considered a wildflower? It looks like the darker pink little cone shaped ones are the buds getting ready to open. I love this. It's so cool that this is actually near your deck! Do the birds like it?

Chris said...

George, I have never seen this plant before, it's so pretty and I would love to see it growing on the mountains.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's a beautiful flower! I wish I could grow it my garden.

Carletta said...

I love the two shades of pink here - just lovely!
We had temps above freezing today -the first in awhile so the snow here has finally begun to melt. YEAH!

Cheryl said...

Oh how lovely and thank you for sharing. Its brightened my dreary winter day as well!

Regina said...

How pretty!

Anonymous said...

What LOVELY pink blossoms ;-)
Hugs and blessings,