(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)
Sometimes winters do get cold down here in Dixie. As proof I offer this picture, taken last December, at Dry Falls in North Carolina. It is normally possible to walk behind this waterfall, but the trail was closed. Looking at all that ice I can understand why.
a trip under that waterfalll could be really dangerous but it made a lovely photo.
Hey, I posted icicles at a falls today too, George!
How interesting that you had a colder than normal winter. We had the warmest in Ontario's recorded history.
It has been too cold everywhere this year. I looking for the summer days ahead. Check out my rose today.
wow, that is quite the curtain of ice! Great photo of it.
From this distance the ice looks like a soft white fringe. I'd be scared to walk too close to one of those icicles in case I got impaled!
Well, Blogger seems to have finally fixed it's picture loading problem. That's a good thing, because what a spectacular picture!! It's truly amazing! Looks like you were pretty close, how did you get that close without slipping?
Yikes! That would be dangerous to walk down there.
Superb shot!
Wow! I can see why the trail was closed too. I one of those icicles fell on you, it could kill you. They are huge.
Wow, what a neat photo! I think "my area" of the country was mixed up with "your area" of the country this winter!
Beautiful shot George - just beautiful!
WOW ... impressive view of this stalagtites! Loved your two MOON shots too ... I seldom have much luck photographing the moon. One of these days I'll dig out a tripod and try again. Happy Easter to you and Betsy!
Hugs and blessings,
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