Monday, April 26, 2010

Tahiti Daffodil

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

The high winds and heavy rains of Saturday pretty much did in our remaining tulips and daffodils. Fortunately we have pictures by which to remember those glorious Spring blossoms. The Tahiti Daffodil has graced our yard for several years.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a shame about your tulips, it is a good thing you have them all stored in your memory and your photos. i am sure there will be other blooms coming soon to take their place. waiting for photos of new flowers that appear

rainfield61 said...

They'll come back. They promised.

reg said...

This is a really nice one. I have it but it did not bloom this year. darn. Any we here in the Niagara region got the same rains but it did nothing to my gardens, so I am lucky

KathyA said...

We had formidable storms last night including rather large hail. Most of the plantings seem to have survived.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This one is gorgeous George.
We have been pounded with rain for the last 5 hours...I am scared to go out and see what has happened to my gardens!!!

LV said...

Nature provides us with great beauty, but also can take it away. The weather was not kind to any of us over the weekend.

Sunny said...

Very pretty combination of colors. Sorry that the weather has been unkind to your lovely blossoms.
Sunny :)

HappyK said...

Beautiful colors!!
We had hail last night!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is just lovely, and maybe prettier than the regular yellow ones.

Craver Vii said...

I walk past one flowerbed on the way to work, and always look at those nice flowers. They were all gone today. Not even one blossom.

That's okay; we'll see more later.

A Lady's Life said...

WOW! What a beauty!
This is truly a gorgeous flower.
The weather can suck sometimes
My son cut our bushes and we need to cut more but its cold outside to work
and the wind breaks off so much that continously flies on our roof.
So we took one truck load to the dump and now we have a few more loads to take but no one wanted to work in the wet dampness. So much nicer when the sun comes out.:)

myonlyphoto said...

George never seen that one before. Anna :)

EG CameraGirl said...

This is such a pretty daffodil, frilly with orange details. Sorry about the rain and winds spoiling this years daffodils. Thank goodness for cameras!