Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Juney Whank Falls

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

Yesterday I pictured an iris from our yard with a name I couldn't explain. But irises aren't the only things with unusual names. This little waterfall is on the North Carolina side of the Smokies at Deep Creek Campground.


Kirigalpoththa said...

I couldnt stop laughing after seeing the name.:D ...neverthless a beautiful waterfall!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

who would think of a name like that for a water fall? not davy crocket or daniel boone, ha ha. love the name of the creek and the falls

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This is so pretty. How in the world do they come up with a name like that?

rainfield61 said...

What's so funny with Juney Whank?

I searched but somehow found that your post is 4/10 in the Results 1 - 10 of about 4,210,000 for juney whank.

KathyA said...

Juney Whank? Please tell me that was not someone's name!

Those falls make me want to sit beneath them!

Shelley said...

That is such an unusual name for such a beautiful waterfall! Makes me laugh just saying it!
P.S. You correctly guessed about the Loon family building a nest at my cabin! I"ll be sending your prize out! :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm.Juney Whank?

You sure do photograph waterfalls well, George.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a stupid name, and a slippery slope! The name does make for a good title, though. It made me go "What the...?

Craver Vii said...

I would not have named a flower "Hell's Fire," but at least it made sense to me. This one was such an enigma that I had to look it up. You probably already know, but I read that Juney Whank is a Cherokee phrase which means "place where the bear passes."

I see that you were not eaten by bear, so you must have been wearing those silver bells.

Hilda said...

Juney Whank?? I can't even begin to imagine where that came from and what it means. But the falls are lovely! You know me with stone… :)

We'll be seeing Niagara Falls next week! I'm sooo excited!