Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Remembering Our Daylilies (3)

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

I have already shared two collages of the daylilies in our yard (here and here). This is the last collage of our spring-blooming daylilies, but working in the yard Monday afternoon, I noticed that at least one daylily is going to bloom again. I can hardly wait.


Anonymous said...

You know how I love daylilies. This is a beautiful collage. With the heat we have had this summer, I am thankful that the daylilies are such resilient plants.

Elettra said...

these lilies with their colors are wonderful,congratulations

EG CameraGirl said...

AH! How nice to live in a climate where daylilies (other than Stella d'Oro) actually DO rebloom. :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Devine Day Lilies. What will you have in the fall in your yard? any blooms to share?

HappyK said...

They come in such pretty colors!

Craver Vii said...

Soon, I will be enjoying daylilies that my neighbor planted.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A twice blooming Day lily? Isn't that pretty unusual, or maybe this particular kind does that. Has it happened before? We have something BIG in our yard that has just bloomed twice and are very excited, it is Phil's creation. I will be posting on it shortly. The orange lilies are not my favorite, but in your collage, that orage one is so stunning, it makes the whole thing! Now I have a strange urge for a Creamsicle!

A Lady's Life said...

We have morning glories blooming every day and I leave them wild. Its a pleasant surprise every morning.
But you sure do excellent work with your flowers to get such an array of healthy blooms.

Sey said...

George, I like the one on the top, left side. Glad your daylilies are in full bloom. They will sure to give color to your yard and will add to the joy you have.

Debbie Taillieu said...

I love how you put this collage together of some of your favorite lillies! Beautiful colors!
Have a fabulous day!