Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Carousel at Night

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

On Tuesday evening while we were at the beach, we stopped by Barefoot Landing in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, after dinner. Barefoot Landing is a shopping-restaurant-entertainment complex. Most of the shops were closed, which was fine since we stopped by to see the lights. Walking around the complex we found this brightly-lit deserted carousel, and I couldn't resist taking a picture.


rainfield61 said...

The lighting makes it looking like a crown.

Anonymous said...

How very pretty the carousel is George. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day.

Reader Wil said...

All those lights are wonderful in this dark world of ours! Have a great New Year's Eve!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! This looks like an elaborate carousel.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wish i could see that carosel, i always loved them. the last time i rode on one was at age 25 with my two boys. at age 15 and 16 i rode them anyway then had to wait for my boys for an excuse to ride again.

Lynda said...

How could you resist riding on it? We have one in downtown Chattanooga that is operational most of the year. Your picture is gorgeous.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I thought my post had pretty lights today, but you've outdone me! I had to click on this one and see all the pretty detail.

imac said...

Neat George, is it run by electric or steam?

Lily Riani said...

everytime i see this, i feel like a kid again, the lights, sound of laughter and ambient.

EG CameraGirl said...

The lights are lovely, George. To me, white lights seem so elegant.

Sunny said...

Oh I LOVE carousels! This is a beauty...I can almost hear the calliope!
☼ Sunny

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love carousels!!! This is a beautiful capture.

Leovi said...

Great night lights. A delight for the eyes.

Kim, USA said...

It's kind of unusual to see a carousel and nobody is around. Great capture!! Thanks for the visit and Happy New Year!!
Ruby Red Tuesday

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I just love carousels...thanks for the eye candy!!!

KathyA said...

I love carousels! There's one in Wildwood, NJ that's been there forever. It's one of the antique, large ones. How that brings back memories!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Wonderful light, sir! Bravo! And I like carousels very much!

Best wishes for you and yours to 2011!


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Good on you. It is so pretty!!
Have a Wonderful New Year.
Blessings from Australia

LV said...

I would like to some day visit this place. I have heard so much about it. Based on the lovely sights you share, it has to be a nice place to visit.

Jen said...

Great night shot George!
Did you go for a ride?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In December, the North East Monsoon blows and bring in a lot of rain.

The first tree we had was a fake tree and didn't have many leaves and branches. Dad was a civil servant and didn't have a lot of money. He bought about six baubles and we were the only house in the neighborhood with a tree.

It was about 4 pm when the wind blew, and mum rushed to close the window and at the same time telling us to do it. We rushed to the lounge just in time to see the tree fall. Some of the baubles broke into smithereens some were less broken. Mum was in tears. We tried to savage them, but mum said no, we were too proud to use broken baubles.

When I went to Canada years later, my Canadian friend strung popcorn to hang on the tree. I came home and told Mum we could do this cheaply. Mum said it won't work. In Borneo, the ants would come.

LifeRamblings said...

the carousel does look beautifully lit up at night.