(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it. Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)
I snapped this picture of the full moon several months ago and promptly forgot about it. I came across it last night and decided to post it. I like the the craters that can be seen across the top of the moon.
I tried but failed many times !
Glad you found this one and shared it! Very nice.
No one captures the moon like you do George!
you just reminded me of something i can do today, we are finally getting badly needed rain, and it is dreary, bob can't fly, but your forgetting your photo reminded me. i have 2 drawers with maybe 75 plus CD's of photos I took in 2002/2003 before I got my external drive to store photos. i want to pull a few out and see what is in there. forgotten photos
Nice shot! I have never gotten a good photo of the moon. One day, one day...
Chyba robiłeś zdjęcie przez szkło powiększające, oczywiście żartuję
:-). Świetne zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam. ***I guess you did picture through a magnifying glass, of course I'm joking
:-). Great picture. Yours.
You have been Moon shining again George.
Very neat shot my friend.
You did a good job.Perfect shot.
Beautiful photo, delicious moon, beautiful color. Greetings.
What a powerful lens you have for that camera - and evidence of a steady hand. Love this picture.
I can never get a clear shot like this of the moon.
You sure did a great job George :)
fool moon
excellent catch
Hi, George! Great capture...really great!!!
Great shot! Wish my camera could do that.
I enlarged it twice, George! Yes, I see those crater edges at the top! It is quite impressive, you got a lot of definition and contrast here. You keep getting better at shooting for the moon!
I can see only new moon during Chinese New Year.
Beautiful details in your moon shot, George. I'm glad you found this amazing photo and shared it with us.
Enjoy the weekend with your honey.
Pam :)
º° ✿ ✿⊱╮
A lua é sempre linda e romântica.
º° ✿ ✿⊱╮
Hi George, excellent photos. You're good, 2 thumbs up for you. Have a nice weekend.
Year ago there were lots of songs written about the moon. No more. Maybe people don't look up much these days....
How beautiful!!!!
I'll take a few days off and so I enjoy the nature around me... rest and relax the soul.
Up the back, sir!
A warm hug.
simply stunning!
very well done!
Fine shot. What lens?
I've sure glad I enlarged that. You can really see the craters up there. Very nice shot.
I love a good photo of the moon!
Thanks for visiting my blog...and happy weekend to you!
When you and Betsy decide to hike to New Zealand, i will make these dumplings for you.
My friends are inviting me tonight, and then I remember it is Renri. She knows I do not do a lot of things during Chinese New Year.
You did a great job George!
I think I've pretty well got down how to take this kind. The just at dusk ones I'm failing miserably at capturing. :)
Just came to thank your visits.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Very neatly captured. Lovely!
Fantastic shot, nice clarity.
Yes, I like, I could spend hours looking at the moon. Greetings.
Beautiful picture. I like your shot.
Amazing details, George. Your camera must be a very good one.
I'm sure it's the closest I'll get to interplanetary travel!!
There's nothing better than a full moon and you've captured it very well! Thanks for visiting George!
Brilliant shot on the moon.
un rond parfait ;o)
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