Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wildflower Along the Trail

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it. Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

On a recent visit to North Carolina, Betsy and I left the interstate to drive into the Harmon Den Wilderness Area in search of a waterfall. After driving along Forest Service roads for nearly four miles, we started hiking up a trail toward the waterfall. Unfortunately we were on the wrong trail (we later found the correct one), but we did find this pretty wildflower.


Ms. A said...

I love the randomness and punch of color wildflowers give the landscape.

Red Nomad OZ said...

The 'wrong' trail? And yet you found this incredible colour!! Maybe we need to redefine 'wrong'!!!

MadSnapper said...

i am a big fan of wild flowers, love them all and this purple with all that detail is beautiful.

rainfield61 said...

Who knows there are wonders in the assumed to be wrong sides.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful, time to crack open the flower I.D. books!

Brenda said...

Ohhhh, WOW! Love this beautiful wildflower! Macro shot is amazing!
Sounds like a great hike, even if you are on the wrong

Craver Vii said...

Good eye. That little flower is so preciously adorned. I think your use of light and exposure is perfect.

Craver Vii said...
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HappyK said...

I love wild flowers!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Look what beauty you would have missed had you been on the right trail.

Scott Law said...

So delicate and beautiful.

momto8 said...

another gift while you hike!

I Am Woody said...

I love the discoveries you can make while on the 'wrong' trail! :)

teri said...

Nice shot. These little flowers give us such good exercise, what with all the squatting it takes to get down on their level. Even on the wrong path, you found the right shot.

Betty Manousos said...

i love wildflowers.
absolutely loved seeing this!

such a beautiful photo of a purple wildflower!

Jeevan said...

Even the wrong side get the right flower like this. Very beautiful flower in pretty color! Fabulous.

EG CameraGirl said...

So pretty! Is it a wild geranium?

Indrani said...

Pretty pic.

Cheqna said...

You both were led in the wrong trail for a different kind of beauty.

Have a nice weekend.


Carletta said...

That purple is lovely against that green!
I was looking along our rural road today and realizing there are more wildflowers than I know. I'm going to pick a few and try to ID them.

A Colorful World said...

I love wildflowers. They are so perfect and stunning and yet so small people hardly notice them. Taking the time to stop and look closely is always so worth it!