Monday, March 11, 2013


(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

We have Sempervivum -- Hens and Chicks -- growing in several places around our yard.  Sempervivum requires little care and looks good throughout the year.  We have several different varieties with different forms and colors, but we think they all look beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I love these. So fun to see the pretty new rosettes popping up.

EG CameraGirl said...

I have hens and chicks too but it looks like they like Tennessee's climate better than Canada's.

Teamgsquare said...

Wonderful shot

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

They're an interesting plant. Great shot of this one.

Karin said...

My mom had some of these in her various gardens over the years. Have always been fond of these tiny rosettes! Lovely shot George!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my hens and chicks all died... don't think they like florida

rainfield61 said...

You have taken a good view of the flower.

I Am Woody said...

Love this perspective!

troutbirder said...

They are fun. I mixed in some winter hardy (believe it or not) prickly pear cactus with them a couple of years ago and they're getting along with each other just fine. ;)

troutbirder said...

They are fun. I mixed in some winter hardy (believe it or not) prickly pear cactus with them a couple of years ago and they're getting along with each other just fine. ;)

A Lady's Life said...

These are little darlings and sure do look good in a garden :)
My Dad had them in his garden and I always admired them

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, the angle you have taken this at makes it look very architectural.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Every time I see one of these plants,I think it looks like a green rose.Guess that is why I like them.

LV said...

George, you threw me with that big name. I have several of those as well but only knew them as hen and chicken. Not sure if I have one like yours tho.

LV said...

George, you threw me with that big name. I have several of those as well but only knew them as hen and chicken. Not sure if I have one like yours tho.

Susannah said...

I've had hens and chickens here for the last 23 or 24 years.....all of a sudden last year they died. Now you have reminded me to put them on my list for this year. Thanks. Very nice photo!


Marty said...

these grow very welle everywhere and are truly beautiful ! wish you a nice week !

Tiago Braga said...

fantastic details, love the colors and the textures!

Carletta said...

I like them a lot and have tried to grow them the past couple of years but for some reason I'm not having any luck. I'm starting to wonder if the deer eat them off. Gong to try some in a pot this year on my deck. Maybe they will survive. :)
Purple and green together is such a nice contrast.

Linda said...

Lovely, George!

Angela said...

Hens and chicks are the easiest to grow. I have a bunch of them. Year before last was the first time that I've known that deer will eat them! They grew back though. I have a strawberry pot that broke this winter so I'll have to find something else to put them in.

L. D. said...

I really like your photo. I use to have hen and chicks but sometimes our winters just freeze them out.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think they are the coolest plants ever; love!

Linda P said...

A beautiful shot, George. I did not know the alternative name of this plant!

eileeninmd said...

It is a pretty plant, Sounds nice if it does not take much care. I do not have a green thumb. Have a great day!

Lrong Lim said...

What an interesting name for a plant...

amanda said...

I picked up some hen & chicks last spring at a yard sale and watched them flourish (prolifically!) throughout the summer.
I'm very fond of them & hopeful that they survived our winter!
We are a long way from anything green.. living in a world of white yet.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente macro de bela flor...

Indrani said...

It is beautiful! Don't get to see them here.

Amelia said...

Hi George, I have not see this plant. Very interesting and beautiful. The 2 tone color look very pretty.

Best regards.

Leovi said...

Deliciously interesting, a masterpiece of nature ...

Craver Vii said...

They're categorized as hens and chicks?? Who knew!

Supersharp focus, my friend! I liked the details when I enlarged it.

Anonymous said...

I adore hens n chicks, their so easy to grow which is perfect for my less than green thumb.

A Colorful World said...

So pretty, George!!!

Cheqna said...

I am not familiar with this plant(?)..its beautiful.

Linda said...

Excellent photo! Not the easiest subject to make pretty.