Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mount Mitchell on a Cloudy November Day

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

Betsy and I visited Mount Mitchell in North Carolina on a November afternoon a couple of years ago.  Mount Mitchell is the highest point east of the Mississippi, and although we were below the clouds, we could look down on the mountains around us.  The patterns of light and shadow below us made a beautiful scene.


Ms. A said...

What a different view! If I squint just a little, it reminds me of a roiling ocean.

imac said...

Nice one George, just like the song, I can see for miles.

Pallavi said...

Such a scenic landscape. Above the mountains and below the clouds. Beautiful picture George :)

Jyoti Mishra said...

it's really great to visit mountain tops..
the journey is tough.. but it's worth when u reach on the top... isn't it ?

EG CameraGirl said...

Fascinating view from way high up!

Neal said...

That is really beautiful!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i will have to look into this area ... not sure i knew of it - or wonder if we have been close or not? awesome shot. ( :

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is a magical capture George….love the mountain peaks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't even think what to say about this one. it is absolutely gorgeous.. those dead trees nearly made me swoon... super shot!

LV said...

Looks as thorough you could step off the mountain right onto the clouds. Very pretty view.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely incredible.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

hi George. What a wonderful scene. Breath taking.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That looks like an intricate patchwork quilt.

Ela said...

What a beautiful view.

A Lady's Life said...

|Gorgeous view We have wonderful views too right now as only the tips on mountains are covered in snow.
Then up north people are already skiing.

Linda said...

Beautiful picture! I was there years ago, but even then there were many dead trees, the work of the wooly adelgid, I believe.

Indrani said...

Lovely capture. I like how you composed it with the hill in one corner.

rainfield61 said...

It is a very good view.

That I hope to witness in person.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Gregore, I am in awe of the surrounding beauty.
I admire your great photos. This view is breathtaking.
I send greetings.

HappyK said...

Oh wow, that is spectacular. It looks like your above the clouds looking down at them.

Small City Scenes said...

Truly a gorgeous shot. What is Mt. Mitchel's elevation. MB

Jorge said...

Uma foto, dum céu esplendorosamente luminoso, que permite o nosso olhar viajar por essa maravilhosa paisagem.

Andrea said...

Wow, a very wide angle and very clear details. The sky is even included!

By the way George, i love your comment in my post about my pet that enable me to make a yummy dish, hehe!

Craver Vii said...

George, this photo is the kind and quality that deserves to be printed on a largish canvas. I clicked to embiggen it and just soaked it all in, as one would with a museum piece.

Anonymous said...

George, very good composition!

eileeninmd said...

I am glad I did not miss this post, George. What a beautiful view! Gorgeous shot!

Betty Manousos said...

such a lovely scenery!
gorgeous shot as usual.

Amelia said...

Hi George, amazing scenery. You're a very good photography, well done!
Best regards.