Monday, February 23, 2015

Worse than Snow

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

If you follow us on Facebook, you know that Betsy and I were without power for about 50 hours because of an ice storm that hit our area.  Our yard looks like a war zone with broken tree branches all over the ground, so it’s not pretty in our yard.  I got this picture of an ice-coated holly bush during a break in the storm.


Ms. A said...

That's some serious daggers of ice! Strange how something dangerous and damaging can still be beautiful. Hope you don't have a lot of serious damage.

Jeevan said...

That sounds terrific... very sorry for the condition prevailing there. Although your picture was very creative and artistic!

Linda P said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such a serious ice storm. Amazing pictures of the icicles on the holly bush. Those bushes are probably tougher and able to withstand the conditions, but I feel sorry for what must have happened to your beautiful plants and rose bushes, in particular. I hope the power is back on and you and Betsy are keeping warm. I'm heading over to her blog now to hear more news.

eileeninmd said...

George, pretty image. I know how much damage an ice storm does to the trees and plants.. Sorry!

troutbirder said...

Ouch. Fifty hours without power is way too much....

The Furry Gnome said...

So sorry about the power outage. Great picture, but I've seen those storms do a lot of damage!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes I saw Betsy post and when you double click your shot,it looks like an abstract art painting. Please stay in and keep warm.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The best thing to come out of a weekend like we had was all of the great pictures we got... Right? Now--your bride wants me some SPRING!!!!!!!

Great picture of the holly filled with icicles.

Small City Scenes said...

Ice storms are the worst. Such damage they cause but then again you got some dramatic shots.
We had such heavy snow one year that it took down power lines and about 8 trees in our yard etc.
I am glad you all survived. MB

Ginny Hartzler said...

Welcome back, it's been a long time! I was so happy when I went on Facebook and saw your power was finally back on! This picture is amazing! It almost looks like something from another planet.

LV said...

Glad you both are well and doing better. Nature has really acted up this season. My sister lives in MS and they have really had it too. Take care and stay warm.

L. D. said...

We have these kinds of storms about every five years. It is such an overwhelming storm as the whole outside freezes up. The falling ice bounces off of the roof and the car. I hope you can thaw out quickly without flooding.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

very cool, Mr. George. i love icicles. very cold i bet. it sounds like you had more ice than we did. we had lots of snow. only a bit of ice. stay warm. ( :

HappyK said...

That is quite a while to go without power, especially in the winter!!
Ice does so much damage!! Makes for nice pictures though.

Craver Vii said...

While I'm not happy about the destruction, I do think it's pretty, and you captured it well here. I'm glad your power is back up. That was a long time to be without power in this weather.

I Am Woody said...

Wow! So glad that the power has been restored! Ice storms are very scary.

A Lady's Life said...

Winter can be deadly thats for sure. I hope you had a fireplace.
My Parents had one such storm in Montreal. They had lots of food and a Franklin and they always had wood so for them it was quite comfortable,
even fun since they went back to pioneer days.
Glad everything went ok

Terry and Linda said...

Oh, yes it is worse than does so much damage to plants. And people if you fall!

Linda ♪♫❤

Carletta said...

That's a lot of ice George. Being without power so long must have been draining on you. Hope you kept warm.

EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! This is incredible!

Anonymous said...

oh power out all those hours terrible.

The picture really looks like an artist composition.

Linda said...

50 hours! Oh dear! Nice photo though.

What Karen Sees said...

Oh My, what a winter it has been for so much of the US. Hope it's a comfort to know that Spring will eventually show up in your neck of the woods. This photo is amazing!!!

amanda said...

That is an incredibly fascinating photo, George! It looks like a fine painting.
We don't get many ice storms up our way, just plain old snow usually. And a good thing... while beautiful, they are not only hazardous but very hard on the trees!
Good luck with clean up.

DeniseinVA said...

Yuck! Sorry to hear about that awfully long power outage George. Your photos of the ice are beautiful but can become so heavy and branches fall on electric power lines creating such havoc. Hope you don't have any more outages :(

Magia da Inês said...

Você tem razão, uma paisagem surreal.
Beijinhos e tudo de bom nessa semana, amigo!

Janie said...

That poor bush! Wow, 50 hrs without power is a real problem in cold weather I hope you were able to keep the fireplace going.

A Colorful World said...

I hope you were prepared with lots of water, food and warm blankets! People don't realize how important it is to prepare for a disaster like that.

Amelia said...

Hi George, sorry to read about your iced storm and power failure. Hope no serious damage.

Take care and standby all the necessity for emergency.

Warm regards