(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)
This picture of Mom and Dad was taken a couple of years ago when we were at their house for the Fourth of July. They usually put up a fuss when we try to get their picture, but this time they let me get a quick picture.
Betsy and I will be going to Hendersonville today to help out Mom and Dad. We'll be gone all day, so I'll catch up with you as quickly as I can.
I hope you enjoy your time with your parents, George. I'm glad they let you take their photo...but I hate having my picture taken too, so I totally understand their point of view.
enjoy your parents today, I miss both of mine terribly, especailly on holidays. great photo, your mother has a lovely smile.
Enjoy your day and the sweetest moment.
See you.
A lovely picture!
What a good picture. Just from looking at this, I'd say your mom is shy? You look just like your dad.
What a nice couple and family
Enjoy your parents while you can
I never thought there would be a day when I would not have them any more.
It was just not a possibility I wanted to know would there.
Every day is precious and should be enjoyed.:)
You are very lucky to still have your parents.
Seeing the smiles of your folks, always makes me smile.
Oh such a sweet photo. Enjoy your dad with your parents. Have a Happy Easter as well.
Enjoy your day with your Mom and Dad. :-)
How nice to have your parents still.
They must be about my age!( 76). Great photo.
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