Friday, April 15, 2011

Drawing from a Photo: Temple of Heaven

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

I never had much artistic ability, although I have always admired people who could play a musical instrument or create beautiful art. So I became very intrigued when I learned how to create a line drawing from a photograph.

And I have now discovered a good use for this technique. Many of my slides are very old (like me) and don't always scan well. A slide of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest in the Temple of Heaven just wouldn't scan to give me an acceptable -- the colors were 'muddy' and seemed to bleed. I was disappointed.

But I then found that I could make a black-and-white line drawing (above) that actually looked pretty good.

The picture above was scanned from a slide.


Debbie Taillieu said...

Wow! Interesting stuff! Well, George, you have many other talents for sure!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Debbie's Travels

EG CameraGirl said...

Great idea, George! I think it looks wonderful as a line drawing!

Lynda said...

Pretty cool!!! So when you are scanning, do you use a special scanner or just a regular one for documents, etc. that we use with our computers?

troutbirder said...

Well there you go. That is the building I remember from a video I showed my 8th grade geography students.... :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is such a cool the style!!!

KathyA said...

You're not old!! And the ability to do these line drawings is so neat!!

rainfield61 said...


A great artwork.

Anonymous said...

I love this technique George!

Jen said...

You are talented at this George. Great.

Indrani said...

Such a wonderful piece of art work, you are doing so well reviving your old shots.

Maria said...

it looks wonderuful, George! I want tolearn drawing too...Happy weekend!

Kim, USA said...

It is pretty good idea. Like me I can't even draw a straight line lol!! Thankfully we have digital cameras that captures beautiful images and we can edit it to our liking. Thanks for sharing!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like it, and it fits with our shoot out today, you should link to it.

A Lady's Life said...

Thats great George but I dont believe you have no artistic talent.
Your collection of flowers tell more about you than you know lol

I believe that if you rolled up your sleeves, you would be able to create wonderful things.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this looks like it would be such fun!!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! Pretty soon you'll be selling them on eBay :-)

Ben said...

That's pretty neat looking. Suitable for framing!

Leovi said...

A nice result.

Lrong Lim said...

Interesting... might try to do the same one day...

Wikeds said...

It certainly does look artistic. Good work!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Hey! I really enjoyed it!
You had a great idea!

Good weekend, sir!

Carletta said...

I think I could play all day on my computer if I had the time. :)
Whereas you are into the drawing I am into the adding of textures to make my photos look 'artsy'.
I get lost in the moment and lose track of time quickly.
Your practice is paying off George - nice work!

Unknown said...

It looks good! And to learn a new thing is equally fun and a morale booster.

Linnea said...

How fun George! We non-artists types can use all the help we can get! The Temple of Heaven was my favorite spot in Beijing and I was so lucky to see it with bright blue skies above! Thanks for stopping by.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful George! did you do this with a pencil or in a photo program?

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

How exciting George...Happy "drawing" :-)

Reader Wil said...

How clever, George! You should do this more often! It's brilliant!

teri said...

I too love to make something out of disappointing photos- this one came out really nice!

Janie said...

Interesting. It looks very artistic, George. And this is a good idea for old faded slides. We have a lot of them that might benefit from the technique.