Monday, April 18, 2011

Wispy Cloud

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

We've had rain and storms for the past several days, but the other night I came across this picture I shot of a wispy cloud on a beautiful October day last year. The sky was a stunning blue and that was one of the most unusual clouds I've seen.


Anonymous said...

A blue sky like this one last fall is such a welcome sight after the humid summertime. That cloud almost looks like an x-ray!

Fred Alton said...

Very nice shot, George! That was the contrail from my Cessna. ☻

Maria said...

there is something magical in this shot! beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

back in the 60's my high school art teacher told me the sky is NOT blue, i painted my sky like this one with white wispy clouds from memory of Florida sky. she was wrong and your photo proves it. gorgeous

Debbie Taillieu said...

Looks like a little tornado in the sky. So beautiful....and blue!!!
Have a fabulous Day!
Debbie's Travels

troutbirder said...

blue blue my world is blue.....

KathyA said...

That IS interesting!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, it is strange and pretty. I snapped a wispy cloud that looks like a crescent moon a few weeks ago.

HappyK said...

What a beautiful blue sky!! Love the touch of white that the wispy cloud makes.

A Lady's Life said...

It resembles a tornado thats been hitting the east coast.
Terrible disaster but this little cloud is beautiful:)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful blue and that little cloud is perfect!!! Have a beautiful day!!!

Sey said...

I never seen the sky so blue like this. It's beautiful!!!

rainfield61 said...

Life is like a cloud.

It keeps changing.

Janie said...

What a beautiful deep blue. The wispy clouds just seem to provide an accent to keep the photo interesting...

Teté M. Jorge said...

It was special indeed!
I love watching clouds... imagine... dream...
What a sky so blue!


teri said...

Like a seeing an angels breath-

Ben said...

I would love a day where that's all the cloudiness we get! We have not seen much blue lately...

My name is Riet said...

We are so lcky to have a wonderful spring so far. Blue skies all over this week. I love hat cloud , great shot

Betty Manousos said...

Very nice shot!
Great blue sky!

Leovi said...

Magnificent blue, as an abstract