Friday, September 2, 2011

Clouds in Water

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it. Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

I was taking pictures of the water lilies and flowers in Biltmore's Italian Garden when I noticed the clouds reflected in the waters of a pool. I thought they looked pretty neat.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shot George, i feel a little upside down now. love the reflections

Fred Alton said...

Fabulous photo, George. There is just something about reflections that always catch my eye...and you caught it perfectly on camera.

Birdman said...

Lilies are everywhere up here too. Nice composition on this one.

I Am Woody said...

Wow! That is a fantastic shot!!

Leovi said...

I love those reflections, very beautiful!

LV said...

That is an absolutely stunning reflection scene.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I absolutely never tire of water reflections like this; gorgeous.
Have a lovely weekend George!

A Lady's Life said...

they sure do george
just gorgeous

LifeRamblings said...

this is extremely gorgeous George. beautiful reflections.

HappyK said...

That's a great photo!! I love reflections.

Kay said...

Love it George. I also like the water lilies. Love them when they are in bloom.


Betty Manousos said...

so impressive!!
and magical!

nicely done. :)

imac said...

Real nice shot George, ive posted a clouds in the sky,lol.

Ginny Hartzler said...

In your other post, you are in a cloud, now the water is in a cloud!! You might say the water is clouded over! It is striking, though.

Fábio Martins said...

I like the reflections on water

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's beautiful.

Teté M. Jorge said...

My God! How special image!
Loved indeed.
Thank you for sharing.
Warm hug.

Angela said...

Gorgeous! It's always a bonus when you get a reflection of the clouds in the water!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I don't know which is prettier, the clouds or the pool !
Stunning shot...

Lrong Lim said...

Great shot of the ranch-looking pic on top...

SandyCarlson said...

The lilies run interrupt and then somehow run away with the dreamscape. Great shot.

Indrani said...

Great capture.

diane b said...

Its an upside down world.

Carletta said...

Beautiful reflection George!
I'm really liking the new header as well. :

Reanaclaire said...

Reflections of our lives... we can see images reflecting back into us...

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
Olá, amigo!
Excelente percepção... o céu refletido na água com vitórias- régeas e plantas aquáticas... relaxante... faz bem aos olhos.
Belíssimo clic!!!
Bom fim de semana!
º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.

Lynda said...

So beautiful. Doesn't it make you want to wallpaper your house with all the pictures you have taken?!! What memories you have saved.

Tiago Braga said...

very beuaty, well done

Rajesh said...

Wonderful reflection of clouds in water.

troutbirder said...

Just great. I love these reflected shots but find them hard to catch. :)

Evanir said...

Viva a vida com muito amor.
Mate saudades,enquanto é tempo.
Peça perdão ,mesmo que seja você o ofendido.
Recupere o tempo perdido ,procurando ser feliz nas coisas de Deus.
Faça um carinho,alegrando alguém que esta triste.
A todo instante,fale uma palavra especial para
quem necessita ouvir.
Com seu amor podera fazer mudanças em muitas vidas.
Creia você pode não mudar tudo nesse Mundo.
Mais poderá fezer no coração de muitos.
A morada de Deus.
Um Domingo na paz e na luz de Jesus.
Bjs no coração.

Ryan said...

Fantastic shot, I appreciated how hard it is to capture a photo like this.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

This is very cool

EG CameraGirl said...

The clouds you captured are gorgeous and I love how you've included the lily pads.

ruthinian said...

hmmm what a very catchy title for a post and it literally describes the picture - the clouds in water are clearly reflected. love it.

rainfield61 said...

The water is always honest.

It reflects whatever falls on it.

Linnea said...
