Thursday, June 17, 2010

Letchworth State Park: Upper Falls

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

Letchworth State Park in New York contains several beautiful waterfalls. This is Upper Falls, one of the larger falls in the park. The structures above the falls are piers of a railroad trestle.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning George, Especially when enlarged, this photo is beautiful. I hope that you have a very good day.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wow! This is a magnificent waterfall. Thanks for sharing it :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this waterfall is specail, i like the stacked up rocks, almost like someone built it. very pretty and one i would love to see

Cheryl said...

Lovely. We are off to see some waterfalls in New Hampshire over the next two days. I hope we can find some as spectacular as the ones you and Betsy find.

rainfield61 said...

You have, no, I have another beautiful waterfalls again.

HappyK said...

Another great waterfall. Every time I see one now, I think of you.

Kay said...

Another great photo. It seems that where you live there is a lot of that "layerd rock" look.

Sey said...

another picture of great waterfalls in the world. Whenever I see flowers and waterfalls, I will definitely thinking of you and Betsy. Have a great day!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful. Have you and Betsy ever considered making a book of all the 'falls' pictures? Each picture is so lovely.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Absolutely breathtaking!!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, the ridges on those rocks and the color of the water!! I just want to swim in it. It kind of reminds me of a fancy spa!

LV said...

Thanks for your visit. Take care and have a good weekend. Trust Betsy got a good report.

Hilda said...

This is so lovely! I especially like its multiple tiers.

EG CameraGirl said...

I really NEED to visit the park someday. :)

Janie said...

Spectacular falls, and another great photo!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love water falls. The thunderous sound of the water pounding down is something to be awed.