Friday, June 18, 2010

National Rose Month: Memorial Day

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

This beautiful rose is very appropriately named. It blooms for the first time right around Memorial Day. It has a nice fragrance to go along with this beautiful pink color.


Anonymous said...

What a pretty rose. Your photo is a great start to our day. I wish you and Betsy a nice weekend.

Sunny said...

You are for certain the King of the Roses!
Another beauty.
☼ Sunny

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the light and shadows in this photo. It's another lovely rose. Your garden must be beautiful.

Sey said...

What a nice picture! I love the pink color of the rose and I hope I could smell the fragrance too. hahahaha.

Have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so pretty and i had no idea there even was a national rose month, but now that I know I know the two of you would know.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Gorgeous.Such lovely color and the fragrance must be heavenly.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

This rose is so gorgeous. If only one could smell it online. What type of camera do you use? I'm planning to get a new one.I'm inspired by all the beautiful photos found in blogs. Happiness is a lovely picture and sharing it, right?

KathyA said...

I'm so envious! My hybrid teas STILL haven't bloomed -- although I'm hopeful. I've fed them, and more importantly, we've been getting more sunny weather. We'll see.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful color, and you got a bud in the shot, as well. I was just asking Betsy about tearoses, how to tell the difference. I think I know, Phil doesn't. I took some pictures that I will be posting within the next few days, and will be asking you if they are tearoses and how to tell the difference. Be prepared for the pop quiz, 'cause when it comes to roses, you're the man!!!

HappyK said...

I've always said the red roses are my favorites, but I just might have to change my mined. I love this pink color.

Janie said...

Another beauty. Love the pink color.

rainfield61 said...

I like that: You are the King of the Roses!!

troutbirder said...

Roses are the best.
I found your picture and comment about the Tellico river very intriguing. One of my favorite trout flies is called the Tellico. Now I know whence its origin. Thanks

LV said...

Another lovely rose for today. I am glad you know the names of yours. I do not know any of mine. I just enjoy them.

Cheryl said...

What a pretty rose and I like its name.

Jesson Balaoing said...

love this flower,... magnificent!