Monday, March 7, 2011

Possum Falls

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

This is an example of the serendipity that can occur when collecting waterfalls. We were traveling along on our way to some place else when we rounded a curve and saw this. We had no idea that there was a waterfall in the area. I hit the brakes (fortunately no one was behind us) and we stopped to enjoy this find. After getting home and doing some research, we discovered that we had stumbled upon Possum Falls.


rainfield61 said...

Wow, the waterfall got an emergency attention from you.

Leovi said...

Magnificent waterfall, well captured. Greetings.

Anonymous said...

Lovely find and what a nice surprise for you two! Have a marvelous week.

Fred Alton said...

A beauty! I love it when things like that happen...and you have a knack both finding the unusual and capturing it with your camera.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this one is an OH Wow waterfall fore me, i really like this one

Teté M. Jorge said...

How beautiful!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Serendipitous; and gorgeous!!

Susie said...

Hey George,

Thanks for dropping by. I love that header pic. It is just gorgeous as well as the waterfall.

Hope you and Betsy are well.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Has to be TN to be named Possum Falls!!! :-) Pretty pic!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

What an amazing find.I have to wonder what or who is hiding in that hole behind the falls.

Sunny said...

I think you and Betsy are waterfall magnets! Haha! This is such a pretty fall, I really like the colors in the layers of rock too.
☼ Sunny

LV said...

What an interesting name for the falls. Guess the possum got on top and fell off. I have had a real possum around her, but he was under my shed not a falls. Nice post.

Ginny Hartzler said...

And the possums could get a fine shower there, indeed!!

HappyK said...

You should have a bumper sticker that reads, I stop for waterfalls. :-)
That's a long way down!!

Reader Wil said...

Another great fall!
There must be hundreds in your surroundings. Can you send one or two of them to us in the Netherlands??

Small City Scenes said...

Of course it was just playing possum all those other times you went right on by. MB

KathyA said...

That IS serendipitous!! What a neat bonus for you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Such a nice surprise! I love it when my husband and I happen on something great by accident! :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

I very much admire the fact that you, a male, are willing to stop your car for a better glimpse (and photos) of a waterfall-- which is beautiful. I cannot say that my husband would have ever entertained such an idea. :)

Cheryl said...

Now that was a nice surprise!

troutbirder said...

There is something about the power and majic of falling water. I love it.

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Beautiful fall.. small but very special ))

A Lady's Life said...

I would love this shot as wallpaper in my dining area.
I think it would inspire me every morning :)

ruthinian said...

oh you are lucky to see such beauty. i can't wait for spring.

Janie said...

Great surprise find and photo.
I can see water at the top and bottom of the falls, but not in the middle. Could that middle section of water be playing possum? And thus the name...

Tammie Lee said...

oh, so beautiful
all our falls are still frozen...

Indrani said...

A nice and beautiful discovery.

SandyCarlson said...

A dreamy and beautiful place, to be sure. I am glad you found it.

I had a great-uncle who taught me how to take pictures back in the days of Kodak film and light meters. He would stop his Buick for anything he thought was interesting and take a photo. It's the only way to be!