Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sound the Drum

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

One of the attractions of Xian, the ancient capital of China, is the Drum Tower. The Drum Tower, built in 1384, housed a large drum which was sounded at sunset to signal the end of the day. A similar tower on the opposite side of the city square contained a bell which was struck at dawn to signal the start of the day.

The picture above was scanned from a slide.


rainfield61 said...

Then, the bell and the drum sing to each other everyday.

Maria said...

I want to visit China with my husband when our kids are a little bit older. I read about the DRum Tower but I see the drum for the 1st time. Thank you, George!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting and such a great photo George. Thank you for sharing and have a good day. Hopefully the rain is over.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first i thought wow, that is a big drum, then i saw the year, wow on that, it is an old drum to. I love old things and would love to see this if they could bring it here.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Who was supposed to hear this drum and what were they to do then? Was it for workers to get off? Doesn't look big enough for too many people to hear, but it is very pretty.

imac said...

Interesting info and a grad shot George.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I really like your header. I think it's new? I just don't remember seeing it before.

Day4plus said...

Interestin George. I like it as if what I say makes a different to that drum. MB

Leovi said...

Beautiful and very interesting information.

Darla said...

Interesting to have drums to start and finish the day.

Fred Alton said...

Thanks for sharing the uniqueness of this story. I'd love to hear more about some of their cultural differences.

Craver Vii said...

We tried the same thing in my town, except with a mime. It didn't work so well. ;-)

A Lady's Life said...

How cool is that.
I have a one of these dong things you can hit to put in the front door way so people can tell you they are here but someone broke it and I have to have it fixed.
I think these are nice decorations.

Olga said...

What an amazing picture!

Kirigalpoththa said...

That is a BIG drum!

Indrani said...

I wish we still had these instead of the mobile towers.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I got a little Chinese drum for my students to play with,

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


This is my comment to the Indian weddings. I trie to be neutral in my main post, but you can read in between the lines.

They reported that they were making their wedding into a reality movie titled: The Fat Indian Wedding, a copy cat of the Fat Greek wedding. They are going to show it in India to millions of viewers. Many people in New Zealand couldn't comprehend why you want to make your wedding a public spectacle. There was so much excess.

This was why I didn't post the photos when the wedding took place in January, though I happened to be there, when never before did the authorities close a road to fscilitate a private event. I overheard the securities saying the main Television were banned from covering the wedding.

George, you were right, the groom's dad spoke on TV that it was the biggest wedding ever. He is a billionaire based in Chicago.

teri said...

What a striking photo- sorry I just could not help it! When were you in China? Great colors!

KathyA said...

Is this no longer used?

SandyCarlson said...

A beautiful way of keeping a community together. Great shot, George.

Janie said...

Bells at dawn and gongs at dusk would be a great tradition, much better than alarm clocks.
Interesting that the drum tower has been around for so many centuries.