Monday, January 31, 2011

Evening Glow

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

This picture was taken in December, 2010, in Sunset Beach, North Carolina. I was intrigued by the reflection of the sky in the water of the marshes bordering the Intracoastal Waterway and captured this scene.


rainfield61 said...

The silhouette against the sunset is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful photo George. Thanks for sharing and have a good day.

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Yes very beautiful scene.. silhouettes and colors are nice..

Reader Wil said...

Great sunset, George! These colours are magnificent!

Alain said...

That's a beautiful photo, with lovely warm colours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

aptly named sunset beach for sure. the word marsh brought back memories of the drive to tybee island, we knew we were on the beach road when we smelled the marsh

Small City Scenes said...

MMmmmmmmmm---excellent. MB

Lily Riani said...

wow! exquisite! i love went the sunsets and you can see the glow of amber at the horizon.

Maria said...

such a beautiful sky...Love to see the sunsets. Beautiful image, George! have a wonderful new week!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a gorgeous capture!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I enlarged this one to get a better look. I thought the marsh was just part of the cloud formation, but wow. That is water with a sky reflection from a distance, how cool!!!

KathyA said...

Takes one's breath away, doesn't it?

EG CameraGirl said...

The colours are very pretty, George. The reflection is gorgeous!

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amigo!
Faz alguns dias que não apareço aqui... e vejo que perdi belíssimas fotos.
Esse entardecer é de tirar o fôlego... imagino o como deve ser ver isso de perto...
°º Brasil ♫♫
•*• ♫° ·.

Pat - Arkansas said...

WOW! That is beautiful, George.

Leovi said...

I really like this great backlit at sunset with beautiful pink colors

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Were you and Betsy sitting by the window and looking outside. Wonderful sight, and great that you can appreciate God's beauty.

Re: Rocks , this is what the maoris say, the rocks do get heated up through the summer and retain the heat,. A lot of them are half buried.

Another thing about these rocks, they make great homes for the rats and mice. (not so nice) so it is not shameful to tell people you have rats. It is all over the place in Auckland. They crawl inside the crevices and holes. When it is very cold, they come inside your house.

teri said...

Now that is some sunset---! Isn't it amazing how no two sunsets are the same- God did an amazing job on this one- and you captured it beautifully~!

HappyK said...

Wow, what a gorgeous sunset!!

SandyCarlson said...

I feel giddy as a schoolgirl at the sight of a Carolina beach. Thanks for lifting the night from the single digits, George!

Lynda said...

I agree it's a gorgeous sunset and silhouette. Do you have to do something special to get the silhouette or just have the right low evening light?

LV said...

You did another super job capturing more of nature at its best.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Fantastic scenery!!

A Lady's Life said...

Very pretty. Sky and water the same color.

Janie said...

The reflection is beautiful, George, and I really like the silhouetted landscape.

Ben said...

Very calm and peaceful. Nice color!

Indrani said...

Reflected skies make a wonderful sight. Very beautiful moment captured.

Jim said...

So beautiful.