Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ocean Isle Pier II

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

Yesterday I posted a picture of Ocean Isle pier taken on a sunny day in May, 2009. Last month I walked along the beach on a dreary, cloudy day. Since it was low tide, I walked under the pier and snapped this picture.


rainfield61 said...

I tried to capture a similar one a few years back, it never looked as good as yours.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like all the crisscrossing lines that create h tunnel under the pier. I bet it would be interesting to watch the tide come in. the vertical lines getting shorter and shorter.

Anonymous said...

What a grand picture George! Stay warm today.

Fred Alton said...

A picture like that makes me want to bring out the fishing rod - and go explore the waters at the end of the pier!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it came out great on a cloudy day. when i see the x's on it i think about squirrel queen could use a photo like this when she does the letter X

Lynda said...

Cloudy or not, it still looks good - - and it's not frozen. That in itself, looks GREAT today!

LifeRamblings said...

what a great perspective shot.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Interesting perspective, George. All those crossed beams above remind me, somehow, of an old church nave.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Reminds me a bit of a watery church!

Lily Riani said...

superb framing! love it.

Maria said...

warm or cold your shots look great. Thanks for sharing, George

imac said...

George dipping his toes in the

teri said...

Like Ginny I saw the very long nave of church. A dark Medieval church- An imposing image-

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Geometry at it's best, so many angles! Love your snowy header too.

Kay said...

Love the composition of this photo.

A Lady's Life said...

This is such an attractive shot.
People in general love to go to these piers and under them as well because it looks like so much fun.

In Hawaii we had a similar place with
stone ....I don't know...squares built by man to stop the onrush of waves. When the waves come in there is an undertow as well as the danger of being smashed against these boulders and if its a pier, wooden posts, enough to kill you.

I never knew this until my son came and told me, he and his friend nearly drowned. Being strong boys, they managed to climb the boulder but both said it was a close call because the waves smashed them back down and if they lost consciousness that's all that would have been needed.

So now I look at these things with a different perspective and marvel at how something so beautiful could be so deadly.

Elettra said...

Very suggestive!!!!!!!!!!

LV said...

That is a neat shot of that pier. At least it can make us think of warmer times. I know you must be snowed in. My sister lives in MS and they are.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ah... under the pier... genial, sir!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

George, what a difference time and nature can make in the same scene.

Ryan said...

Pretty amazing structure when you see it from that angle now where did I put my fishing rod?

Carletta said...

While I like the lovely shot in your previous post and the feeling of sunshine and warmth it emits :) I really like the lines and depth of field in this one a lot!
Hope you and Betsy are staying warm in all that snowy weather you aren't used to!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I really like this, and I have yet to see one in New Zealand.

I took one of the piles of a boat club house, but not the same.

We had a whole classroom of little witches led by their head witch.

Leovi said...

A path of water, wonderful perspective, I like it.

SandyCarlson said...

I would love to see this one! Beautiful shot, George.

Anna De Simone said...

wow, its beautiful shot... I use it like wallpaper on my iPhone screen.
Thank you! :)

ps.: sorry for my bad grammar, i'm italian girl! Tell me my mistake, don't worry... I'll learn! :)

Indrani said...

I love the way you framed this shot.