Thursday, January 13, 2011

From the Archives: Flowers in Our Yard

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

Bella'roma Rose is a beautiful yellow-pink rose which we have enjoyed in our yard for several years. In addition to beautiful colors, this rose is also quite fragrant.


Small City Scenes said...

Kist by the Sun. Pretty rose. MB

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous. tomorrow through sunday will be photos of the roses from the musuem, they did not have any frangrance, wonder why

Sunny said...

A lovely image on a snowy day. It won't be long before the roses bloom again. (At least that's what I keep telling myself - haha!)
☼ Sunny

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty rose - I just can't wait for Spring/Summer!

HappyK said...

Beautiful rose. Those are the colors I'm wearing today. :-) Two shirts, one pink and one yellow!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Snow is falling outside and now I feel like it is summer inside.This rose surely says summer.

A Lady's Life said...

I have never seen a rose in these two colors
This is indeed a rare variety.
Sooo pretty!

Leovi said...

That delight with these shades of pink, white and yellow, and with these drops of water ... a poem.

Pat - Arkansas said...

A beautiful flower. You and I are thinking much along the same lines, George. We need a bit of color!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, George, the yellow and pink!! And the subtle shades, I LOVE it!!!!! I didn't used to like roses much until I met YOU. And started loking at yours and finding out some facts about them. So you have changed me! I still love my wildflowers, though!

KathyA said...

I can almost smell it from here!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like how you captured the drops of water on this, George.

I hope the sun is shining for you today!

Teté M. Jorge said...

This mixture of colors and water drops are beautiful!


rainfield61 said...

I see the tears of happiness.

Carletta said...

Gorgeous shot with a beautiful bokeh background!
It sure would be nice to relive a day of summer right now wouldn't it! :)

LV said...

How sweet it would be to have one of those to smell the fragrance and enjoy its beauty. I wish it warmer.

Fred Alton said...

I love how you captured the dew on the rose petals. That is a beautiful flower.

Lynda said...

It's nice to look at memories and know that one day the snow will melt and you'll see the snow again.

Lynda said...

Duh - - - I meant to say, "and you'll see the roses again!"

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for warming the evening with this beauty. Great shot, George!

Kim, USA said...

These beautiful rose made me think of Spring already ^_^ Happy weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

Your flower photos are beyond beautiful!
I have never seen such beautiful pictures like these before...and I mean it.

Anna De Simone said...

look around your blog... I see wonderful location.
You have to travel a lot... you are very good, congratulations!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi George,

I went to a jetty/wharf/pier and thought, great, I will try to take a photo like yours.

Alas, there was a reflection and I got 1/2 a pier.
