Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Mao Memorial

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

The exterior of the Mao Memorial Hall in Tiananmen Square frankly reminds me of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C. This picture was taken in 1987, when the Mao Memorial was relatively new. You can see the Chinese citizens lined up at the main entrance. As foreign visitors we got to slip in the side entrance, bypassing the line.

The picture above was scanned from a slide.


rainfield61 said...

It is once upon a time when you were there.

And the memory scans around.

Anonymous said...

This memorial is very similar to the Lincoln Memorial. Thank you for sharing from your slides George. Very interesting.

Kathy W said...

Good morning George. Just curious what the statue in front is supposed to represnt? I remember watching the horrible scenes that went on with the protesters years ago in Tiananmen Square.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it does resemble the Lincoln Memorial. I can tell you i remember the memorial, at age 8 i got a spanking on the steps right in front of President Lincoln. mean mother did it, and for that i am thankful

Ginny Hartzler said...

It does look a bit like the Lincoln one! so foreigners don't have to wait in line? Whenever I hear this name, I think of that awful protest scene.

A Lady's Life said...

That was nice of them to let you in by the side door.
I always think of Mao Tse Tungs Little red book.
We studied him at that time and I made sure to get one to read. lol

Leovi said...

Yes, seems to have more Western than Eastern inspiration.

EG CameraGirl said...

How interesting that the building would look so Western. That surprises me.

KathyA said...

It DOES look like the Lincoln Memorial!

Ben said...

It really does look like a squared-off version of the Lincoln Memorial, which is what I thought it was before even reading your post!
And I am glad you are still celebrating the Christmas season!

SandyCarlson said...

Sure is interesting. Subdued, in a way, too. Beautiful.

Baron's Life said...

I'm just curious to know what's inside the Memorial Hall....Mao Soup?

Magia da Inês said...

Ficou magnífica!!!
Boa semana, amigo!