Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mingo Falls

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.  Clicking a second time will make it full-sized.)

Last January Betsy and I made a trip to Asheville, but a rock slide on the interstate forced us to come back home by way of back roads.  Although the trip was longer than it would have been, it had the advantage of allowing us to stop by Mingo Falls near Cherokee, North Carolina.


Jeevan said...

Awesome shot! It flows like nylon threads... Glad u stopped there.

Ms. A said...

Lots of water flowing, that's for sure!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sometimes an inconvenience can bring such lovely surprises!

Tanya Breese said...

well that turned out to be a worthwhile delay!

Karin said...

Love those long tresses of the falls - so white- such a beautiful shot of this cascade George.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Beautiful exposure !

Ruth Hiebert said...

Love it. a long way home resulted in seeing unexpected beauty.

MadSnapper said...

sometimes the back ways are best. i love taking non interstate roads.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Beautiful shot, George. I think Doug and I visited this waterfall on one of our early trips to the Smokies. As I recall, it wasn't in a very pretty area...seems like we had to go through a trailer park to get there. But your picture makes it look worth any effort.

LV said...

What a blessing you two were not near the rock slide. I tend to be concerned something will give way around you on one of your outings. Water can cause a lot of earth movement. Be careful.

Amelia said...

Hi George, wow.... this is gorgeous!
Very beautiful Mingo Falls.

Excellent click, your photography skill is superb. :)
Have a great day ahead, regards.

imac said...

Great falls George.

A Lady's Life said...

I think using back roads are more rewarding for scenery.
Another great shot George!

Small City Scenes said...

What a pretty falls. Sometimes we say thanks for detours. LOL MB

Kay said...

Another beautiful waterfall. Great shot George.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, the angle here makes it look HUGE!

HappyK said...

Awesome falls. Since its really cold outside right now it that water looks very cold!!

Giga said...

Uwielbiam wodospady i ich szum. Wspaniałe zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam.
I love waterfalls and noise. Great picture. Yours.

Linda said...

Absolutely majestic!

Gina Gao said...

This fall looks absolutely amazing! I love it.

Linda said...

Marvelous! Coincidentally I posted a waterfall also. (Waterfall Wednesday?)

Vineeta Yashsavi said...

Amazing Shot George...

Cheqna said...

Hi George,

Thank you for your message in my blog..I'm better now, and taking a break at my hometown.

I agree with the above comment, amazing shot.. I have yet to come across beautiful ones during my journeys and able to capture it like this.. may be one day. :-D

Best wishes to you and Betsy.

A Colorful World said...

A blessing in disguise!

Linda P said...

All those knobbly-looking rock formations
that disperse the water in different directions make a spectacular cascade and a wonderful sight.

Neal said...

Love it George.....that is so beautiful.

Hilda said...

Ooh, I like! She may be narrow, but what a height!