Monday, July 11, 2011

Betsy at Cedar Breaks

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

One of the things Betsy is passionate about is snow. Each winter she thinks we never get enough. On June 20 we went to Cedar Breaks National Monument in Utah. The monument had opened for the season three days before, and Betsy found these snow banks near the Visitor Center. Can you tell how happy she is?


Anonymous said...

A dream come true for Betsy - SNOW IN JUNE!!!!! What a fun picture.

penny said...

Thats a pretty big smile she is wearing with snow well over her head :D

be well and happy, George

Betty Manousos said...

snow in june!
love Betsy's big smile.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can see that ear to ear grin.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in all that snow i would NOT be in the shade like Betsy, had to enlarge to find her hiding there.

KathyA said...

Not just a little snow, either!! Betsy looks like she's about to hug that snowbank!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What an adorable photo of Betsy!!! Oh...that is SOme pile of SnOw!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! I like snow...but NOT in June. :)

LV said...

I am not big on a lot of snow, but right now I would take about anything. That's a great snow scene.

A Lady's Life said...

I also love snow except when I have to shovel it. I don't miss that part.
but to look at it every night from a window, the quiet and peacefulness and the huge flakes coming down.
Oh is truly worth living to see all this.

rainfield61 said...

I can feel that.

Betsy must be as happy as a child.

Fred Alton said...

Yes, George, I can see she's happy. I enlarged the picture, looking for Moses or someone with power to part the snow. ☻

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

But why is she hiding from the sun, oh ! she wants to be close to what she loves ... the snow bank !!!!

Lynda said...

Love the picture but love her smile more!

LifeRamblings said...

what a beautiful snowy landscape. i can understand why Betsy can never get enough of it.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Now Betsy can say "the snow was a couple of feet over my head"...what a hoot....and what a lot of snow...
Great photo George!!!

Craver Vii said...

I did not expect to see snow. But I generally prefer cooler temps over warmer ones. It's hot here, and there's no power at home. In fact, we lost power at the office for a few hours as well.

Good to see you again, George.

Janie said...

That's a huge amount of snow for Cedar Breaks in late June. Glad Betsy was enjoying it.

Ryan said...

Yep she seems happy alright, although I really don't need snow in June. October to March is enough for me..