Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oklahoma Sunset

(This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.)

As Betsy and I traveled west through Oklahoma for the first time, we were impressed by the flat landscape, the wide open spaces and a gorgeous sunset. The sun rays were so beautiful that I had to pull over on the interstate to snap this picture of June 11.


rainfield61 said...

I shall also pull over if I am you.

penny said...

The west is notorious for beautiful sunsets.. it must have been hard to keep your eyes on the road.
You captured the heavenly colors of this Oklahoma sky perfectly, George.

be well, be happy

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful sky shot, George.

Pedro D. H. said...

Oklahoma reminds me tornados...

Indrani said...

Beautiful capture.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular sky, i could not see the road under it until i enlarged it. really beautiful

KathyA said...

I would have pulled over, too, George! Spectacular sunset!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The endless highway! LOVE the rays! They are so hard for me to capture, when I focus on them, they fade away almost completely. I never can capture them with the camera as strong as they really are.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Absolutely stunning!!

HappyK said...

It is indeed beautiful!!

Lynda said...

You are correct about both - - the beauty of the rays and the flatness of the landscape. I would not like that. I have been told that people who move to the mountains after living in the plains can sometimes feel claustrophobic. If I lived in the plains after being in the mountains, I would feel like part of me was missing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is gorgeous,especially when enlarged.

A Lady's Life said...

It is gorgeous George!
You are lucky to have been able to do this because I always miss the best shots lol

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

This is gorgeous George!!! I always avoid "road" shots because I thought the road ruined the shot...NOT...it actually enhances your shot!!!

Rajesh said...

Marvelous shot.

Fred Alton said...

What a great shot! I just love how you captured the rays beaming down to earth from the edge of the cloud. Wonderful!

imac said...

Git off yor Hoss and draw, What a beauty George.

Ryan said...

I'm glad you chose to pull over and catch this amazing sunset, the rays passing through the clouds are spectacular.

Terry and Linda said...

Great shot, George!


Ben said...

I was thinking "wide open spaces" before I read your post below the picture. Nice picture! Hope you had a great fourth.

Leovi said...

I love this picture with a nice light, beautiful sky. I wish you a happy summer.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is gorgeous George!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

great sunset shot!
love those sun rays, very impressive!

Anonymous said...

One of your prettiest sunsets yet, George.

Janie said...

Beautiful sunset, George! The plains states have a lot of sky to show off.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Wonderful shot, sir!